__Shadow Sizing__

hadow Sizing

Shadow Sizing Measurement Systems
Size and velocity of rising air bubbles measured by DynamicStudio ShadowSizer

The DynamicStudio Shadow Sizer measures size, shape and velocity of particles using backlighting and image analysis software.

The Shadow Sizer can measure a wide range of particles types including bubbles, liquid droplets, solid particles and any object with a well-defined contour.

Data is analyzed by DynamicStudio and includes histograms of size distribution, spatial distribution plots, cumulative histograms and tables.


Non-intrusive, whole-field particle sizing includes particle velocity, orientation, position and shape Easy concept: what-you-see-is-what-you-get
Wide range of applications: droplets, bubbles, solid particles, static or in flows No prerequisite information about the particles is required

Learn more about Shadow Sizing

Shadow Sizing Measurement SystemsMeasurement Principles
The object is backlit with a light source and a camera acquires the shadow image of the object.Read More